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To Live and Drink in LA (post pandemic-prohibition)

Gary Neshanian | April 7, 2022

First, there was Prohibition from 1920 to 1933, temperance after the 18th AmendmentVolstead Act. National Beer Day – April 7, now celebrates the signing of the Cullen-Harrison Act by Franklin Roosevelt, allowing light beer and wine to be made and sold in the U.S. after 13 years of Prohibition, and eventually the 21st Amendment, repealing prohibition. Then a century later the Covid19-Pandemic. A two-year struggle for the Craft Breweries in Los Angeles, amid the quarantine and shutdowns to reinvent and survive for a post-pandemic recovery.

Support our surviving breweries post pandemic-prohibition:
Beer Industry Openings & Closings – BrewBound
The Newest Craft Beer Openings in LA, OC & Ventura – HoppedLA
Struggling amid the shutdown, L.A. craft breweries reinvent to survive – LA Times
Craft Breweries Destined for Post-Pandemic Recovery, Expert Says – Food Institute

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